Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 3

So Clayton and I have come up with a bit of a schedule now which basically translates into us writing as long as it is raining. So yesterday we wrote for approximately 10 hours. We have somewhere around 14 pages written so far. It did however clear up long enough for us to take a great walk over to the north side of town and explorer some places that were a little more off the beaten path. For most of the time we were the only Americans that were walking around and that was great. It is almost the same mentality that pervades itself in Times Square. In the sense that a great many tourist who come there spend all of their time just in midtown and don't explore the rest of the city. A great many of the American tourists here don't venture any farther than a couple of blocks in either direction. Wandering around all the tiny side streets you start to get a much better feel for the local side of San Miguel. We discovered several unique churches and sculptures as well as some very small cantinas that were locals only places. We experienced a sort of record scratching sensation when we walked through the door but for the most part people tolerated us.

Well today is Clayton's birthday. He turns 55 today so we are going to head down the hill and grab some dinner tonight and have a little celebration.

One of the things that I am still adjusting to is not having a cell phone or any concept of time. I'm typically a very plugged in person and it has been a little bit of an adjustment. On the plus side my camera has replaced my cell phone so I have been taking a great many pictures. I suppose I've traded one addiction for another.

The writing seems to be going fairly well and once we get into a groove it flows pretty easy. Right now it seems to be taking us somewhere around an hour a page. We should end up with somewhere around 40-45 pages which will translate to about 70 "script" pages since we are typing them full size. If anyone knows of a plug-in for Microsoft Word 08 for mac that is designed for playwrighting let me know. I tried one already that didn't work that was built for Word 04.

I am including some pictures from our walk yesterday but for now the writing awaits..... Until next time friends.


  1. Looks nice,,,glad you are having a good time, it will take you a week to week you will relax more...Thanks for the pics and the posts. Love you MOM

  2. You 2 Gringo's can be my tour guides any day! Happy Belated CS-nice timing ya got there~!?Ʊanitas
    for your serenade!
    adio's m2
